ShedMonster De-shedding Tool Review

June 27, 2011 by  
Filed under Dog Products

It’s the time of the year when it gets hot outside and our dogs start to shed like crazy. In the past, I have used dog brushes and a few combs to try and combat the shedding, however none of them seemed to work out all that great. Sadie is constantly shedding and she sheds [...]


M&J’s Dog Essentials Review

June 23, 2011 by  
Filed under Dog Products

As many of you know, I am always looking for new products that are all-natural and safe to use on my dogs. I especially love products, which are all-natural, safe and good for the environment. This is the combination you get when you buy M&J’s dog essentials. I am a DIY kind of person when [...]


Top 5 Dog Toxins of 2010

June 20, 2011 by  
Filed under Dog Health

Top 5 Dog Toxins of 2010 According to ASPCA some of the most deadly toxins to your dog can be found in our homes and yards. Here is a partial list of some toxins you may not know about. Human medications – medications can cause kidney and/or liver failure and bleeding. Insecticides – we often [...]


Boating With Your Dog

June 15, 2011 by  
Filed under Dog Advice

Summer time has finally arrived and with it, many of us enjoy going out to the lake with our boat. Several of you are probably considering taking your dog out on the water with you. Taking your dog on the water is fun for both, you and your dog. Boating with your canine companion can [...]


Travel App. for Dogs

June 8, 2011 by  
Filed under Dog News

Do you love to travel with your dog but find it hard to find dog friendly places to stop and let fido stretch his legs? Check out This site has a handy search option which allows you to check for dog friendly places in the area you happen to be. I love that it [...]


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